Upgrade blues - upgrading to Firefox 3 final from Firefox RC 3

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As evident from other posts here - have been keenly waiting for the FF 3 final. Imagine my surprise when the "Check updates" didnt find an upgrade! (I’m on FF3 rc3).

Anyway, so off I went to Mozilla.org and downloaded a copy of the final - and did my bit towards FF download day. Happily installed it - all defaults as usual. Install told me that it was installing into the same location as my current installation (c:\program files\mozilla firefox 3 beta 1 - that’s where my FF3 install have been going  - all the way from b1 to b5 and then from rc1 to rc3 - so no surprise).

Well, installation completed successfully, and I started FF 3 - but my title bar still says Build 2008052906 - even the file version has the same build ID.

Something’s up - don’t know what yet - but has anyone else had a similar experience?