JS development - 2015

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#_javascript_in_20151. Javascript in 2015

If you’re managing any sort web application development then you’re going to manage how your front end is built and how well it stands up to change over time. Even if FE is not of your area of expertise or you generally hate having to do anything with the front end (typical of most folks who spend their time lower in the stack), it doesn’t hurt to understand the space - especially if it’s (or may become) your job to manage the software development.

#_javascript_is_all_grown_up1.1. Javascript is all grown up

First of all, for what started as a twiddly little scripting language to make text bold and change color, Javascript has come a really long way. With more and more 'complex' applications, Javascript code base rivals in size and complexity of your precious backend.

#_object_oriented1.2. Object Oriented

Javascript has prototypical Object orientation. Most likely you already knew that…​ from your jQuery days. Well, now it’s the norm. What’s surprising though is the sheer number of FE engineers who don’t seem to have grasped this yet enough to make it a part of their toolset. If you’re going to do any sort of large scale development, a scalable development model that helps to manage complexity is necessary. OO JS will help you do that - but you’ll need to get used to it. There are some tools below that’ll present a more 'conventional' view of classes in JS below - so do think of those. However, you should understand what happens beneath the covers anyway.

#_module_system1.3. Module system

As code base size increases, you need ways and means to split your files into libraries and include the libraries where you need them. With the entry of NodeJS and other js runtimes, the fact that you could write server side code in JS meant that this was even more critical. Javascript’s gaping hole is that it doesn’t let you split your application into components to manage complexity. Sure you could split them up into files, and then make sure that script tags are in the correct order on your page. That’s not even a poor cousin to having well defined libraries with their own private scope. There were a number of different efforts to arrive at a module format - CommonJS and AMD (Asynchronous module definition). You also have ES6 (EcmaScript6) modules as well - this is a how modules will be supported natively in the next rev of Javascript. CommonJS is targeted at the server side usage:

function into2(x) {
   return x*2;
module.exports = into2;

// fileB.js
myfn = require('./fileA');
console.log(myfn(2)); //prints 4

This works for server side js but you can’t very well use this on a browser since browsers load scripts asynchronously. AMD is targeted usage is browsers and script loading and introduces a define function where a module lists it’s dependencies which the script loader can ensure are loaded before evaluating the module.

define(function() {
    function into2(x) {
       return x*2;
    return into2;


define(['./fileA'], function(myfn) {
    console.log(myfn(2)); //prints 4

PS: Both module systems allow you to use modules of the other kind - RequireJS - the most well known script loader for browser usage will allow you to load modules in the CommonJS standard. Similarly, Browserify is a tool that lets you use CommonJS modules right in the browser by bundling all your scripts together.

#_package_manager1.4. Package manager

Once you have modules and modules have dependencies and versions and further dependencies of their own, you need a way of being able to a. Define your dependencies b. Publish your package to a central registry

npm - the node package manager is one tool that satisfies this role - you define your dependencies in a package.json and the npm tool will go fetch your dependencies for you. Similarly, if you write your own package, npm will let you publish your package to a central repository.

npm is just one package manager - there are others as well - like jspm. npm though is the de facto standard

#_linting1.5. Linting

As your apps grow in size, you need to catch errors early. There are a bunch of syntax checkers now for JS - jslint, jshint - a fork of jslint and eslint.

#_unit_testing1.6. Unit testing

For complex applications, having good unit tests is almost always a must. There are a number of JS unit test frameworks(mocha) as well - as well as supporting tools for writing mocks, spies and stubs (sinon.js), assertion frameworks(chaijs, should.js) and so on. You also have the choice to write tests in the traditional xunit style or in the BDD style. In most cases, these tools are available as packages that you can require. You also have code coverage trackers and tools that can help you track how good your unit tests are. Finally, you’ll eventually have to manipulate the dom somewhere - and testing that always used to be a pain. Now you have fast, headless browser in phantomjs that you can integrate with your tests.

#_task_runners1.7. Task runners

Once you’ve split your app into modules, you still need a way to have it all packaged together and delivered. Also, if you’re using linting and unit testing, you probably want those tools to be run as well. Furthermore, for a client side usage, having lots of roundtrips with small payloads don’t work well.

Grunt is a build tool - think of it like ant for Javascript. You define tasks and tasks can have dependent tasks and so on. Gulp is the newer tool and it’s USP is speed and parallelism utilizing streaming pipelines.

#_writing_better_javascript_without_writing_javascript1.8. Writing Better Javascript without writing Javascript

Given Javascript’s origins, it’s prototypical inheritance and myriad of pitfalls, it’s quite hard to 'do' Javascript correctly. What if you didn’t have to? In the last few years, a number of options have surfaced that try to address Javascript’s warts by having 'transpilers' that compile down to idiomatic Javascript:

  1. Coffeescript - the original - inspired by Ruby and functional constructs and works well to cover JS’s shortcomings. It’s easy to pick up and learn and definitely makes writing idiomatic js easier. Focus is on brevity - so you might find it a little daunting at first. However, don’t let that scare you away as the brevity actually helps after the initial hurdle (that’s just my opinion though).

  2. Typescript - Microsoft’s Typescript is Javascript with types. The good thing is that valid javascript is also valid typescript. Provides compile time type checking and strong tooling especially on Visual Studio.

  3. ES6 - the next rev of JS - addresses most of the problematic areas of JS (ES5). There are transpilers that will convert es6 code to es5.

#_grown_up_problems1.9. Grown up problems

Now that the JS ecosystem is still developing, it has the same problem as any other space where things are in flux. There are established players, but new thoughts and approaches come up all the time that makes keeping up with things harder if you’re not in it day in and day out. More so in the web dev field which is more prone to fads.

#_not_your_dad_s_javascript1.10. Not your Dad’s Javascript

It’s hard to summarize the landscape in a short post - but hopefully, this has enough direction markers to give you the lay of the land. One thing’s sure - JS has grown way beyond what it was initially meant for and the growth hasn’t been easy. However, things are coming together nicely and writing large Javascript heavy, complex apps can be both fun and rewarding if you treat it as you would any other large development effort.

Finally, it’s all about managing complexity with modularity, loose coupling, well defined interfaces and clear code and a good engineering workflow.

#_postscript2. Postscript

I’ve purposely stayed away from discussing specific app development frameworks - angularjs/backbone/ember/react or even more generically, SPA vs non SPA interfaces. Personally, I’ve found it more useful to have a good grounding on the platform than any specific framework - since the combinations will vary but the overall structure will be the same. For ex: if you pick Angular, then it comes with it’s own suggested test runner(karma), it’s own tools for for DI and so on.