ANN: EasyBlogger 1.2.7 released

· by Raghu Rajagopalan · Read in about 1 min · (142 words) ·

Made a few changes to EasyBlogger to support migrating from Blogger to Hugo. Changes are:

  1. In easyblogger get, the count is now optional [earlier defaulted to 10]. This now lets to slurp down your all blog posts if you so wish.

  2. Support for Hugo front-matter in TOML format. Generated files above will use post metadata to create TOML headers in each file - like so. The current permalink is preserved as an alias.

    lastmod = "2013-08-21T17:44:48+05:30"
    aliases = [ "/2013/08/and-we-back-to-windows.html",]
    publishdate = "2013-08-11T03:06:00+05:30"
    date = "2013-08-11T03:06:00+05:30"
    title = "And we're back to windows"
    id = "1920136814802968121"
    tags = [ "DRM", "Linux", "virtualbox", "wine",]

Here’s how you’d download all posts, convert them to AsciiDoc and write one file per post with TOML frontmatter headers - all set to be migrated into your favourite static site generator.

easyblogger get -w -d asciidoc