Here’s a nice tip on debugging classpaths in Ant: Essentially, <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="project" default="default"> <property name="lib" value="web/WEB-INF/lib"/> <property name="src" value="src"/> <property name="dist" value="dist"/> <path id="classpath"> <fileset dir="${lib}"> <include name="**/*.jar"/> </fileset> </path> <target name="default" description="--> description"> <javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${dist}"> <classpath refid="classpath"/> </javac> </target> </project>

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This is a rant against the Cobertura maven integration - and to a certain extent on Cobertura also - and hopefully an objective one ;). Hopefully this’ll help someone select between the two big (open source) coverage tools out there. We’ve been using Cobertura at work till now and its done its job nicely - the reports look great and the maven 1.x integration, while not neat, is functional. While we knew that someday we were going to have to merge coverage data and have a single report across multiple test methods (junit, selenium tests and manual), cobertura documentation stated that this was possible and so we weren’t really bothered.

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We visited the Tulip festival at Skagit valley. Its hard to describe in words - and a picture’s worth a thousand words - so here’s a bunch of pics - let them do the talking :). Anyway, had a lovely weekend driving up to Mount Vernon with friends and had a memorable weekend.

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Ninotech Path Copy 4 Novell Cool Solutions: Cool Tool Was looking for a shell extension to copy filenames from explorer. Thought there’d be a dime a dozen - and it turns out that a) they have 20 other things that I dont want. b) Its trial ware. Finally after searching high and low, came across this and it’s GREAT! powered by performancing firefox

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Part of the game of getting code out that conforms to coding standards without having to go through the "One Big spring cleaning" exercise is configuring and centralizing the tools. At a minimum, it helps to have a central Eclipse installation that has all the tools configured and setup - so each person doesn’t have to do it. Alternatively, there should be a reference set of plugins and their configuration files available in the source control repository.

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I discovered this - totally by accident. In Firefox, you can use / (forward slash) to search for text OR links - and if its a link, then you can follow the link just by clicking Enter! That is way cool - especially when you’re on a laptop and cant/dont have your mouse around. I’ve always find it a pain to do a "link find" - ' (single quote) and a text find - ctrl-f separately…​Never knew that there was a shortcut that did both and what more - its way natural if you’re used to 'less'!

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Performancing | Firefox Add-ons | Mozilla Corporation Performancing for Firefox is a full featured blog editor that sits right in your Firefox browser and lets you post to your blog easily. You can drag and drop formatted text from the page you happen to be browsing, and take notes as well as post to your blog. powered by performancing firefox

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Diigo - a hidden gem


If you use for online bookmarking and like google’s notepad for online research, then suggest that you take a look at Diigo’s offering. It’s all those rolled in one and then some. I’ve been using it for quite some time now (after trying out and google notepad) and I’m not budging! Recently I was doing a bunch of research online and diigo excelled! Online bookmarking - will also simultaneously post to your del.

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Amazing flash movie! Great flash movie explaining dimensions 4 (time), 5, 6 all the way uptil 10. And why they stop after 10! I’ve never come across a clearer explanation ever and the great visualization does the trick.

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